Monday, June 22, 2009

being to direct is like a hell...

5:49 AM
firstly, sori sebab terlampau direct. haha. maen lepas jer an. ntah sebab panas kot hari tu


aku dapat 49/50 sial time amek test komputer uh
tapi aku rase ade jer orang dapat 50/50 kat dalam2 blog nih...haha
well at least aku leh bawak kete pasni..huhu..best2....
and aku kene gak cakap russia untuk cipta record malaysia and record dunia
52 hours non-stop multilingual public speaking..
4 minit nak ke cakap wei..payah uh..
doakan aku yek!!

A 14 years old web designer from Kairouan, Tunisia. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.

0 yakek: