Sunday, July 26, 2009

ciri bakal doktor yang tipikal...

11:12 PM
smue orang maybe akan judge seorang doktor tuh skema...

rambut sikat tepi...
baca buku 24/7
bercakap dengan orang penuh sense of humor...
buat keje bersungguh-sungguh selagi mana die patient doktor uh...

tipikial..sangat tipikal..

pecaye atau tak...doktor generasi baru maybe quite different akibat perbezaan pendedahan media massa..

let's predict from up to down...
(kepada unknown, tolong terima kenyataan, klu ko doctor, sile beri tunjuk ajar, OK?)

rambut-xkan bersikat tepi. ok, xkan bersikat pon mostly. (kenyataan perbezaan ini dibuat oleh lecturer senior kat INTEC mengatakan budak2 dah pelik skunk)

spect- bukan yang tebal tapi stylish. nih aku dah nampak kat sorang doctor kat klinik.

baju- klu kat luar memang agak bergaya not tipikal cam doktor dulu yang dikatakan bergaya is tuck in and di'iron' abes. but this new is still iron and tuck in, it jst that smue lbey advance nyer gaye.

kasut- konpem bergaya. tapi xtau lak dress code die leh ke x pakai kaler laen.

tingkah laku- ni pengajaran yang aku amek time tengok team medical dragon. klu die tuh patient, die patient ko sampai mati. ko kene ingat die xkire die saket ke x. itu ukhuwah yang mulia. sebab ape? sebab once u dah berjaya cure patient tuh, die akan ingat sebagai hero, sampai mati pon die akan ingat? betapa besar sorang doctor is sangat mulia.

tingkah laku 2- membaca buku. jadi doctor adalah amat bodoh untuk tidak membaca buku. manusia akan lupe. kene lar bace buku. but i think the new one is that the doctor will be drilled more on the skill. see reading is not everything. and im not saying that the old one didn't drill his/her skill, but, looking at the facilities nowadays, we can even buy thousands of pig heart in order to drill our skill in doing surgery on the cardiology part. dulu x. payah lar sebab mahal2 lagi. isn't that cool?

but all these things will not operate if the nature of the heart is never to love someone else, to help someone else. those who didn't know about me, never know about me. im not the one that you can judge by its cover. i have hidden character that i didn't show to all. to be a doctor, to be a cardiac surgeon, its more than years that awaits, its everything more.


A 14 years old web designer from Kairouan, Tunisia. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.

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