kali niyh aku nak share sumthin ngan korang semue. aku rase korang pon maybe dah agak mende nih ,xpon dah tau mende nih, or maybe dah termimpi mende nih time tengah bosan kelas bio. maybe. kan sekarang hangat lagi meletup isu H1n1 hasil daripada bacteria Aziera kan? tapi aku rase itu bukanlah puncanya sebab bacteria Aziera mudah dihapuskan menggunekan sabun LifeBuoy(?). wtf aku smkin merepek time *melihat jam*, ahah!, 2:52 a.m nih. but, itu bukan mainpoint aku lar. main point aku is the h1n1 issue.
lets be professional ok? i will use English medium to write this eventhough I know some people might not understand what I write like the German (Khaddy), like the KTJ-ian (Lee), or like the African from Masai ethnic (Aziiierraa mambo). But, please, understand what im trying to write here.
first, the first incident where the H1N1 was found that it was a type of new evolution of virus which genetically deducted from the mutation of the virus in pig. and even now, the mutation is even vigorous because the latest and recently updated news said that a new type of H1N1 was borned and totally more dangerous than the first-generation one. the new viruses can attack an organism's lungs and rapidly causing a severe chest pain and immediate death because of the abnormalities in respiratory system. this is reported by Ministry of Health Malaysia, and I watched this news last night at Buletin Utama TV3. well. i guess the cell or viruses can evolved into something by mutation. But, dont we get something from this scenario? I mean how can something was created without someone who created this? And unsurprisingly, Allah stated in Al-Quran: " Every disease that I had created, there must be a cure". So, from my deduction, there is a point and question that keep running in my mind, "If Allah destined someone to create a disease, so, someone also was destined to have the cure, AND maybe the same person".
what I mean by the cosnpiration here is I think there was someone or some side that INTENTIONALLY created this disease for some hyperhollistic and brilliant reasons. And the most probably the one who did this is the United States of America. I have my reasons. Please, BLOGSPOT, dont kill me for these. It just my superimagination assumptions. Peace.
My first reason is in term of geographic aspect. See, the first case to be reported to have H1N1 is at Mexico. (which we all sighed for knowing that the virus is at there, not Malaysia) Correct me if i am wrong. But the location is kind of near the USA.
second is in term of economic aspect. those who created this type of virus will also have the vaccine or serum. hence, USA is in the state of smuggling and struggling in a deep black mud of economic crisis, hence, by creating this virus, logically, they are trying to make a new field of development, which is in medical field (or should i say the microbiology and pharmacology). A pretty good arena to be focused on as their 'heavy crushed of meteor' to their automobile manufacturing companies which are can't be saved. So, by doing this, I assume that USA will emerges as the main suplly for the vaccine of the virus. HOW SMART RIGHT?
i am just guessing. I am a student after all.
Actually kan, aku terdengar mende nih time ayah aku sembang2 ngan pakcik2 kat Pusat Khidmat Masyarakat Kepala Batas tadi. Huhu. Im just elaborating it based on my simple knwoledge. Peace Bro!!
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