Monday, July 26, 2010

pasal environment la. ye ke?

5:29 AM

Quote yang agak bermakna untuk hari ini drpd daddy aku: "hampa (budak mrsm lgk) tak pa la, kalau ada 100 students, 99 orang studi, takkan hang nakk cangak lagi kot? lain macam sekolah ehem2, kat situ ada 100 orang, 99 studi, yang studi tuh sorang, mmg sekali dengan buku sekali kena lempaq"

owkeyh. aku tergelak jugak dengar perumpamaan yang seems sangat logik sebenarnya. ini bukan nak merendahkan standard pelajar sekolah biase or nak compare students skolah sains/ maktab sains. bukan. it just, wattahek yang sebenarnye is happening right now yang aku sedang figure.

wattahek wattahek wattahek? postponed dulu jap bab ni.

mengenai hal yang aku buat, okeyh, yang interesting mesti la aku tulis dalam blog. hahaha. dengan megahnya aku hari ni telah merasmikan/menggunakan adidas messenger aku.

sebenarnya untuk bershopping lagi hari ini. sungguh malanglah mendapat suami macam aku. owh, aku memang konpem tak berbini. so jangan risau la. P to de E to de A to de C to de E. PEACE no war without bini (s?) man. owh harap2 obsession aku cepat tertukar dalam nak buat rumah ade swimming poool besar2 ke, ade polling garden ke, ade 4 gelanggang badminton ke kan. am i too desperate untuk berkahwen?

takla. mane ade. emosi stabil ni. takde la aku nak pikir pasal suka sape2 ni. *pipi merah*
okeyh tipu, aku gelap coklat la, mane ade pipi aku boleh merah. telinge ye la boleh merah. nampak sangat penulisan aku tak matang pada pukul 12 malam ni. haih. muka aku nampak matang. sebab muka aku serius. sekali tengok muka aku, (byk kali pon same je) memang penulisan aku laen daripada muka aku. because, ade hidden chosen one punya power dalam diri aku (?).

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhh?? aku supposely nak citer pasal ape aku shops. takde la aku sbnrnye aku shops untuk barang2 aku nak g oversea nanti. silap, nak balik russia nanti. silap, nak balik jail nanti. aku belilah barang2 yang aku supposedly beli kan, macam, pensel warna (utk anatomi histology and da gang), pen2 warna CHOOSE Pilot tuh, ubat gigi 2 kotak, panadol, minyak cap kapak, lepas ni nak kene beli minyak angin kat langkawi. berguna dowh. itu je. aku kene saving la nak beli banyak benda la lepas ni.

hurm. kembali kepada isu serius:

kenapa mesti ada perbezaaan. tak. aku tadi pon baru balik dari pasar malam. and everything was soooooooo disappointing. not the foods. i mean, i saw many 'free-show'. many things they showed me. uncovered-lengan, hair, butts, boobies. macam bangang tau tak. i mean, i'm not that annoyed if you just pakai biase2. its okeyh. now guuuuuuyyysss gurrrrrrrrlllsssss, are you trying to make our pasar malam as a megamall or sumthin ? well, hell no, coz, even micahel jackson wouldn't wear anything like y'all r wearing if he's going to mall. not. at. all.

to describee alll of the characteristics, it will get me tired. so, i'll make a list. imagine it. owh, dont forget to standby a mutah paper bag. worst case scenario la. so is it this type of gurls you should spill off your saliva? think it.

1) free hair with hideous orange hair dye. owh, unnatural kerinting. any comment?
2) urm, skinny jeans, ori x ori sluar doesnt matter, but, tooo skinny sampai cukup2 makan kat buku lali ke? c'mon la. get another jeans.
3) adidas superstar in pasar malam? wth man?
4) bertudung, tapi lengan dedah. owh lupa. bertudung, but, rambut still nampak. apakah?

senang cakap, lagi tak kene rogol, lagi itulah. direct la kan. humans, even me, takkan sedar the value for sumthin, if he/she doesn't lose that thing. normal. but not your pride. man, think man.

absurd kan? aku rasa nak photoshoot saudari2 aku kat pasar malam nanti. seriously. aku rasa la. kene ade teman jugak. hehehehe. owh about da boys.

about da boys? i hav a story. true story. he was anak angkat to my pak cik (my fathers frenZ). that pak cik is pakcik jay (bukan nama sbnr) and that boy is danny. danny is a stepson (?). urm, he was a good boy. and he also has a his own parent. but, he was adopted since his true family didn't afford to raise him up. his true family was very damn poor.

and so he was grown up until he was a teen. i don't know. around 16-17 years old maybe. and during that age, he was causing a lot of troubles. i mean massive trouble. when i mean it is massive, then, it is a serious case, huge one. he was skipping his classes. almost everyday, i think. urm, to me, it's not a problem. normal. he's even smoking. normal. but when he intended to kill his own step mother. that was maniac. owh, his step father still at that time like "takpe...die maseh mempelajari..". hell, he was learning to do sumthin bigger. but, apparently, before his bigger plan comes true, he was caught smoking. so, what did his step father did?

he was banished from the house. "aku tak mau tengok lagi dah muka hang. dah banyak kali aku bagi muka kat hang". well, he accepted it. thinking that 'i will survive' song la kan? pity. right now, he already has 3 children, donow their genders, and he was working all day all night to raise em' up. kesian kan? but, his step father was very rich, well educated, and of course he wanted his stepson to be successful jugak kan? but, he chose the wrong way.

so, guys, there are nothing you can get by rempit, skipping classes. it doesn't cool. really. and my last question to y'all.

why is it parents (mostly malays la, seriously no offense), they rather buying a motorbike to their children like RX-Z la, EX-5 la, rather than educating them by joining music classes la. it did bring you back money at LEASSSSSSSSTT in the end. why does our parents don't acknowledge about this? why? why? why?

owh this is baihaqi. i will not let him be like those guys. Insya-Allah. =)

although he wore tudung. -.-"". his father's fault. not him. hehe.

remember. Allah already set us with a path. And that path is not straight. And there are also many branches. Coz you will determine your way. not me, not him, not us, not our PM.

that's all folks.

A 14 years old web designer from Kairouan, Tunisia. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.

0 yakek: